Making my way through life as a first time mum in Walthamstow

Friday, 27 January 2012

Pregnancy Yoga - Walthamstow Toy library

I've been trying to keep as fit and healthy as possible throughout this pregnancy, but now I am well into the third trimester it is starting to become a bit more of a struggle. My husband has decided to kick off the new year with a new exercise regime which I am trying really hard to support him with. We go to the work gym two or three times a week from 5-6pm, and while he attacks the weight machines I do some uphill power walking on the treadmill and a bit of light cross training and cycling. It's nothing like what I was able to do before, but I feel good for getting some exercise, and I keep reading how you are much more likely to have an easy labour if you can keep your pregnancy fitness levels up. I do get some strange looks from the other gym users as if they think I shouldnt be there, and I do feel about twice the size of the skinny girls in their lycra shorts, but I will keep going as long as possible!
Last week I decided to throw in some more pregnany-oriented exercise into the mix, and signed up for a 5-week pregnancy yoga class. It's a 5-week course currently running on Thursday nights in the Toy Library, just off Beulah Road in Walthamstow Village. At the first class it was lovely to see that most of the other women were about as far along as me, with most people somewhere between 25-32 weeks. The exercises might look easy for anyone not carrying a big bump around with them but I found them to be just the right level of difficulty and I'm sure they are doing me some good.
You can find contact details for Helen who runs the class and other non-pregnancy yoga classes here Walthamstow Village Yoga .
The Healthworks just off Hoe street also offer antenatal pilates and yoga, plus some post-natal classes where you can bring your baby along too!

Saturday, 21 January 2012

28 week check-up

28 weeks
I had my 28 week check-up this week and things are still going well! I've been lucky enough to see the same midwife at all of my appointments which from what I hear is quite unusual as a lot of people seem to get moved around between 4 or 5 different people. So it's been really nice to get to build a bit of a relationship with her and not waste time going through your details and medical history with every new midwife that you see. She took some blood for more iron level tests, listened to the baby's heartbeat (which was about 136 bpm) and then measured the size of my bump with a tape measure. Apparently, the height of the uterus in cm should be roughly equal to the number of weeks pregnant you are, giving the midwife a quick and easy guide to see if the baby is growing at the right rate. My measurement was 28 cm which is exactly right for 28 weeks! She also confirmed that the baby is lying in the breech position which is what I thought as I can often feel the rather unpleasant sensation of the baby's head trying to stick out of my stomach up near my ribs.
She also asked me to start counting the baby's kicks, starting at 9 a.m. each day I have to count until I feel 10 movements and then record the time on a little chart which goes all the way up to 9 p.m. each day. I think this baby must be super active as he is always way past 10 kicks by 9.30 a.m.  which is the first box on the chart! The next check up is not until 34 weeks, which will be my last week of work, can't wait!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Bump watch - week 26

Bump - week 26

Happy New Year everyone! This is it - the final three months for me and reality is starting to sink in. I came back to work this week and it suddenly dawned on me that I only have six more weeks at work this year! I get my full years holiday allowance to take before starting maternity leave so I will be finishing up at week 35, giving me 5 weeks or so to hopefully relax before the little guy makes his appearance (depending on if he is early or not!) The second trimester was a pretty smooth ride, no more morning sickness, a nice noticeable but not-too-massive bump and plenty of energy to keep up with my normal hectic social schedule. It's only been the last week or two where I have started to feel a bit more tired and achey and I'm sure I will have to start easing up on things soon. The next couple of months are all about the final preparations, buying everything that I've been researching before Christmas, starting with a bigger 5 door car to replace my little Peugeot who finally clapped out in the Autumn. Exciting times ahead :o)

Bump - week 20